lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Coming home...

So I haven't written a blog in a long time, namely because I know that everyone will see all the grammatical errors that I clearly am great at. But I figured since everyone I know is doing this blog thingy I could give it another try, hoping that I will improve in the information and fun things that I share etc...
I have had an interesting transition to coming home because it hasn't been nearly as hard as a year ago but defiantly hasn't been easy. I guess that the only thing that I can say is that it get easier with each adventure, or at least I kind of know what to expect of myself and what I can never expect from others. Reflecting on all that has happened I have these thoughts, and I think that I can apply them to all life really...
I should have taken more pictures
I should have worried less and traveled more
I should have spent less time studying and more time exploring
I probably should have just enjoyed every moment and let them take their course.
I think that the most important thing that I have learned is that I am just at the beginning and that I can really open myself up to more adventures. I need to not be afraid.